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VNT Networks



VNT Networks

Dedicated Internet Access & Networks Solution


VNT Networks

Corporate & Hospitality Networks Solution

Cisco Meraki Security Appliances

VNT Networks

Corporate & Hospitality Networks Solution

Professional Wi-Fi Managed Services

VNT Networks

Corporate & Hospitality Networks Solution

Digital Signage Solution


VNT Networks is a progressive Digital Service Provider and Managed Service Provider in Indonesia, enabling Corporate and Hospitality businesses with tailored technology solutions in both telecommunication and infrastructure needs.

We believe in setting industry standards in both service and operations which is companywide infrastructure that embodied in our company-wide DNA in delivering committed and passionate provision of our products and services.

Our enterprise customers appreciate our integrated solutions as the compelling proposition which enables them to enhance their business growth. Our passion drives us. Our people are our competitive advantage. VNT believes in preparing for the future today, be it by developing the skills and talent of all employees or simply making VNT Networks a great place to work for great people. This translates simply translates to fantastic user experiences, excellent services, and quality consultation for services and experiences that demands only the best.

Contact Us

We are delighted to be in touch with you!
You can reach us now via , or our chat widget.

Head Office
Ciputra International 3, 9th Floor, No. 9-10
Jalan Lingkar Luar Barat no. 101, Jakarta Barat, 11740

021 2910 6600 (Hunting)
021 2910 6699 (24/7 Technical Support)
WhatsApp 24/7 Technical Support +62 819-2590-000

Jakarta . Bekasi . Tangerang . Karawang . Bandung . Cirebon . Yogyakarta . Semarang . Solo . Surabaya . Mojokerto . Madiun . Malang . Banyuwangi . Bali . Makassar . Pontianak . Jambi . Palembang . Pekanbaru . Batam - Bintan . Palu . Kupang . Labuan Bajo . Lombok . Banjarmasin . Balikpapan . Medan . Aceh . Kendari . Belitung . Lampung . Manado

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